Is It Sexual Harassment To Ask A Co-Worker For A Date?


In a workplace setting, you meet with the same people every day and work with them for several hours of the day. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find people in the workplace to date each other. In fact, many of them even end up getting married. It is not a crime to feel attracted to someone you work with. However, one must not force someone to date. 

The EEOC does not ban anyone from asking their co-worker on a date. If a colleague politely asks for dinner and you decline, and they never bother you again, it is not harassment. However, if they continue trying to get a date with you and interrupt your work performance, it may be sexual harassment. Contact a Paramus sexual harassment lawyer to understand your options. 

Is your co-worker allowed to ask you for a date?

This is one of the most asked questions in sexual harassment law. For this very reason, many companies have even included policies that ban co-workers from dating each other. The companies that have not banned it simply frown upon co-workers that date. While there is no legal restriction on asking out or dating your co-worker, it is best to confirm with your employer. 

Companies do not allow or prefer dating co-workers because of the number of harassment cases rising from it. If someone tries to make their “move” in the workplace and the other person does not like it, they may make a complaint about it or even file a lawsuit. This can potentially cause a lot of issues for the employer and the company. 

Many companies in Paramus even fire or suspend employees for engaging in interoffice dating. However, as far as state and federal laws are concerned, there are no restrictions on politely asking your colleague on a date. 

What are some concerns regarding workplace dating?

Many people do not prefer the idea of workplace dating, and they have valid reasons. Below are some common concerns associated with co-workers dating: 

  • Experiencing a romantic life in the workplace can result in productivity issues and poor performance.
  • You could break a company policy you are not aware of.
  • If you break up, you could face retaliation.
  • When a superior employee/employer dates an inferior in the workplace, the risks of sexual harassment are greater. 
  • One could face accusations of favoritism for always favoring the person they date. 

If you think you may be the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, you should not waste your time worrying about retaliation. You deserve a healthy work environment, and an attorney can help you get it. Contact one today. 

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